With the fulfillment of the commandment of milah, G-d changed Abram's name to Abraham, giving him a totally new persona to complement his new role as the "father of a great nation." For this reason, we name a baby boy at his Bris.
According to Jewish tradition, the name of a person describes his or her essence. It provides identity and generational connection. It begins the process of shaping a human being. A name influences the behavior of the person and provides a spiritual connection between the individual and their soul. It is important, therefore, to give much thought to your child's shem kodesh, sacred Hebrew name. The custom of Ashkenazik families, who trace their lineage back to Eastern European communities. is to name their children after meritorious individuals who are desceased in order to preserve their memories. Sefardik families, on the other hand, who trace their lineage back to Middle Eastern communities, may opt to name their children after individuals who are still among the living.
Traditionally baby girls are named in synagogue on a day when the Torah is read. Customarily this is done as soon as possible. Some parents wait until the mother is strong enough to be present so she can hear the prayer which is offered for her speedy and complete recovery and that of her child.
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