Smear the triple antibiotic ointment within the middle area of the gauze pad and tent on penis with each diaper change. Continue doing this until you finish all 25-30 gauze pads. If you change the baby approximately every three hours you will finish the 25-30 gauze pads in three days. After 24 hours drizzle warm water over the bris area. Continue doing this 15-20 times. You may now remove the wrappings strips from off the bris area. Be careful not to rub or wipe penis. If the baby is uncomfortable, follow the instructions on Infant Tylenol after consulting with the pediatrician.Swelling or redness should go away in a few days. A light colored healing tissue may appear around the head of the penis. This should subside within a few days. The baby may be sponged bathed after the first day. If the belly button has fallen off the baby may be immersed in water on the sixth day.
If you have any concerns or questions, please call me anytime.
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