The three main participants, the father, mohel and sandek, wear a talis. In some communities it is the custom to have candles lit. No blessing is said prior to the candles being lit.A Shalom Zachor is held on the first Friday night after a boy is born, it is customary to celebrate by gathering in the home of the newborn to welcome him. "When a male comes into the world, peace comes into the world." Talmud, Nidarim 31b. G-d finished the creation of the world with the Sabbath and introduced peace and rest. Thus the Sabbath surrounds the newborn with an aura of holiness and enhances his entry into the Covenant of Abraham, our father. Pidyon Haben: The redemption of the first born son of a Jewish mother requires this ceremony. If the father or mother is a kohen or levi, the child is exempt. If the baby was delivered by cesarean section the child is exempt as well. The ceremony takes place on the 31st day of the child's life. If this day falls on Shabbos or a Yom Tov, the ceremony is postponed until the first following weekday. It is necessary to have five non-alloy silver dollars and an observant kohen present.
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